British council future news worldwide 2019 for young

Here are some news articles from the British Council's Future News Worldwide 2019, which focused on global issues and challenges that affect young people:

Climate Change

  1. "Climate change: Young people's voices must be heard" - The Guardian (June 2019)
    • This article highlights the importance of young people's involvement in addressing climate change, citing the British Council's Future News Worldwide conference.
  2. "Youth climate strikes: 'We're not just fighting for the future, we're fighting for our lives'" - The Independent (September 2019)
    • This article features interviews with young climate activists who attended the British Council's Future News Worldwide conference.

Global Citizenship

  1. "Young people are the key to a more peaceful world" - The Telegraph (June 2019)
    • This article discusses the importance of global citizenship and the role young people can play in promoting peace and understanding.
  2. "British Council's Future News Worldwide: Empowering young people to shape a better world" - The British Council (June 2019)
    • This article highlights the British Council's efforts to empower young people to become global citizens and shape a better world.

Technology and Innovation

  1. "The future of work: How AI and automation will change the job market" - The World Economic Forum (June 2019)
    • This article discusses the impact of artificial intelligence and automation on the job market, highlighting the need for young people to develop skills for the future.
  2. "Young people are driving innovation in Africa" - The Africa Report (September 2019)
    • This article features stories of young African innovators who are using technology to solve social and environmental challenges.

Education and Skills

  1. "The skills gap: Why young people need to be prepared for the future of work" - The Financial Times (June 2019)
    • This article discusses the importance of developing skills for the future of work, highlighting the need for young people to be adaptable and lifelong learners.
  2. "British Council's Future News Worldwide: Preparing young people for the future of work" - The British Council (June 2019)
    • This article highlights the British Council's efforts to prepare young people for the future of work, including its Future News Worldwide conference.

Global Challenges

  1. "The world's most pressing problems: What young people think" - The Guardian (June 2019)
    • This article features a survey of young people's views on the world's most pressing problems, including climate change, inequality, and conflict.
  2. "Young people are the key to solving global challenges" - The World Economic Forum (September 2019)
    • This article discusses the importance of young people's involvement in addressing global challenges, highlighting their creativity, energy, and idealism.

These articles provide a snapshot of the global issues and challenges that affect young people, as well as the British Council's efforts to empower them to shape a better world.