Britains johnson condemns crazy brexit customs plan #

It seems like there's been a development in the ongoing Brexit saga!

According to reports, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson has condemned a proposed Brexit customs plan as "crazy". The plan, which was put forward by the UK's chief Brexit negotiator, David Frost, aims to create a new customs arrangement between the UK and the EU.

The plan, which has been met with criticism from many in the UK and the EU, would see the UK and EU establish a new customs regime that would allow for the free movement of goods between the two sides, while also allowing the UK to diverge from EU rules in certain areas.

However, Johnson has reportedly expressed concerns that the plan would not provide sufficient control over the UK's borders, and would instead create a "customs border" between the UK and the EU.

This development comes as the UK and EU continue to negotiate the terms of their post-Brexit relationship, with the deadline for a deal looming. The UK is set to leave the EU on January 31st, and the two sides are racing against the clock to agree on a trade deal before then.

It's worth noting that the UK's opposition parties have also expressed concerns about the proposed customs plan, with Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn describing it as "a recipe for chaos and confusion".

What do you think about the proposed customs plan? Do you think it's a viable solution for the UK's post-Brexit relationship with the EU?