Britain add nigerias naira list accepted trade currencies #comments

Here is the list of accepted trade currencies in the United Kingdom (Britain) that includes the Nigerian Naira:

Accepted Trade Currencies in the United Kingdom (Britain)

  1. British Pound (GBP): The official currency of the United Kingdom.
  2. Euro (EUR): Widely accepted in the UK, especially in tourist areas.
  3. United States Dollar (USD): Accepted in many businesses, especially in London.
  4. Nigerian Naira (NGN): Accepted in some businesses, particularly in areas with a high Nigerian population.
  5. Other major currencies: Such as the Japanese Yen (JPY), Chinese Renminbi (RMB), Indian Rupee (INR), and Canadian Dollar (CAD) are also accepted in some businesses, especially in tourist areas.


Please note that this list is not exhaustive, and the acceptance of Naira may vary depending on the specific business and location. It's always best to check with the business before making a purchase.