Bridal gallery new west

Bridal Gallery New West is a popular destination for brides-to-be in New Westminster, British Columbia, Canada. Here's what you can expect from this lovely bridal boutique:

About Bridal Gallery New West

Bridal Gallery New West is a family-owned and operated bridal salon that has been serving the community for over 20 years. They offer a wide range of wedding dresses, veils, and accessories from top designers and brands. Their experienced and knowledgeable staff will help you find the perfect dress for your special day.

Services and Products

Designers and Brands

Bridal Gallery New West carries a diverse range of designers and brands, including:

Reviews and Testimonials

Bridal Gallery New West has an excellent reputation in the community, with many happy brides and their families leaving glowing reviews. Here are a few testimonials:

Contact Information

To visit Bridal Gallery New West, you can find them at:

Hours of Operation

Bridal Gallery New West is open Monday to Saturday from 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM and Sunday by appointment only.

I hope this information helps you plan your visit to Bridal Gallery New West!