Bricks breaker puzzle

A classic!

Brick Breaker is a popular puzzle game where you need to clear a grid of bricks by breaking them with a ball. Here's how to play:


  1. The game starts with a grid of bricks of different colors and shapes.
  2. You have a ball that you can move left, right, up, or down using the arrow keys or WASD keys.
  3. The ball will bounce off the edges of the grid and any bricks it hits.
  4. Your goal is to clear the grid of bricks by breaking them with the ball.
  5. Each brick has a specific number of hits it can take before it breaks. The number of hits is indicated by the brick's color:
    • Red bricks: 1 hit
    • Orange bricks: 2 hits
    • Yellow bricks: 3 hits
    • Green bricks: 4 hits
    • Blue bricks: 5 hits
  6. If the ball hits a brick, it will subtract one hit from the brick's total. If the brick's hit count reaches zero, it will break and disappear.
  7. If the ball hits a brick that is already broken, it will bounce off and continue moving.
  8. The game ends when all the bricks are cleared or the ball is trapped and cannot move anymore.

Tips and Strategies:

  1. Plan your shots carefully to maximize your chances of breaking multiple bricks at once.
  2. Try to aim for the bricks with the lowest hit count first to clear the grid more efficiently.
  3. Use the edges of the grid to your advantage by bouncing the ball off them to change its direction and hit multiple bricks.
  4. Look for opportunities to create "combos" by breaking multiple bricks in a single shot.
  5. Practice makes perfect! The more you play, the better you'll get at judging the ball's trajectory and timing your shots.

Are you ready to give it a try?