Brick breaker level 255

A classic!

Level 255 of Brick Breaker is a challenging one, but don't worry, I'm here to help you out.

Here's a walkthrough of the level:

Initial Situation:

Tips and Strategies:

  1. Focus on the top row: Try to clear the top row of bricks first, as it's easier to do so and will give you more space to maneuver.
  2. Use the corners: The corners of the grid are often the most challenging to clear. Try to aim for the corners to break multiple bricks at once.
  3. Use the gaps: Look for gaps between bricks and aim for them to break multiple bricks at once.
  4. Use the walls: The walls of the grid can help you bounce the balls back into play. Use them to your advantage by aiming for the walls to change the direction of the balls.
  5. Keep an eye on the balls: Make sure to keep an eye on the balls and plan your shots accordingly. You don't want to lose a ball unnecessarily.
  6. Take your time: Don't rush through the level. Take your time to think about each shot and plan your strategy carefully.

Specific Tips for Level 255:

Good Luck!

I hope these tips and strategies help you complete Level 255 of Brick Breaker. Remember to stay focused, take your time, and use the walls and gaps to your advantage. Good luck, and have fun!