Brick breaker game with ball

A classic! Let's create a simple Brick Breaker game with a ball. We'll use a text-based interface to keep things simple.

Game Rules:

  1. The game starts with a ball bouncing around the screen.
  2. The player controls a paddle at the bottom of the screen.
  3. The goal is to break bricks by hitting them with the ball.
  4. Each brick has a specific point value.
  5. The game ends when all bricks are broken or the ball hits the bottom of the screen.

Game Code:

Here's a simple implementation in Python:

import random

# Game variables
bricks = [
    {"x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 4, "height": 1, "points": 10},  # Top brick
    {"x": 4, "y": 0, "width": 4, "height": 1, "points": 20},  # Top brick
    {"x": 8, "y": 0, "width": 4, "height": 1, "points": 30},  # Top brick
    {"x": 0, "y": 1, "width": 4, "height": 1, "points": 10},  # Middle brick
    {"x": 4, "y": 1, "width": 4, "height": 1, "points": 20},  # Middle brick
    {"x": 8, "y": 1, "width": 4, "height": 1, "points": 30},  # Middle brick
    {"x": 0, "y": 2, "width": 4, "height": 1, "points": 10},  # Bottom brick
    {"x": 4, "y": 2, "width": 4, "height": 1, "points": 20},  # Bottom brick
    {"x": 8, "y": 2, "width": 4, "height": 1, "points": 30},  # Bottom brick

paddle = {"x": 0, "y": 2, "width": 4, "height": 1}

ball = {"x": 0, "y": 0, "dx": 1, "dy": 1, "radius": 1}

score = 0

# Game loop
while True:
    # Clear the screen
    print("\n" * 20)

    # Draw the bricks
    for brick in bricks:
        if brick["y"] == 0:
            print(" " * brick["x"] + "#" * brick["width"] + " " * (20 - brick["x"] - brick["width"]))
        elif brick["y"] == 1:
            print(" " * brick["x"] + "#" * brick["width"] + " " * (20 - brick["x"] - brick["width"]))
        elif brick["y"] == 2:
            print(" " * brick["x"] + "#" * brick["width"] + " " * (20 - brick["x"] - brick["width"]))

    # Draw the paddle
    print(" " * paddle["x"] + "-" * paddle["width"] + " " * (20 - paddle["x"] - paddle["width"]))

    # Draw the ball
    print(" " * ball["x"] + "O" + " " * (20 - ball["x"] - 1))

    # Get user input
    user_input = input("Enter a direction (L/R): ")

    # Move the paddle
    if user_input == "L":
        paddle["x"] -= 1
    elif user_input == "R":
        paddle["x"] += 1

    # Move the ball
    ball["x"] += ball["dx"]
    ball["y"] += ball["dy"]

    # Check for collisions
    if ball["x"] < 0 or ball["x"] > 19:
        ball["dx"] = -ball["dx"]
    if ball["y"] < 0:
        ball["dy"] = -ball["dy"]
    if ball["y"] > 2:
        print("Game Over!")
    if paddle["x"] <= ball["x"] <= paddle["x"] + paddle["width"] and ball["y"] == paddle["y"]:
        ball["dy"] = -ball["dy"]
    for brick in bricks:
        if brick["x"] <= ball["x"] <= brick["x"] + brick["width"] and brick["y"] <= ball["y"] <= brick["y"] + brick["height"]:
            ball["dy"] = -ball["dy"]
            score += brick["points"]

    # Update the score
    print("Score:", score)

How to Play:

  1. Run the code in a Python interpreter or save it to a file and run it.
  2. Use the L and R keys to move the paddle left and right.
  3. The ball will bounce around the screen, and you need to hit the bricks with the paddle to break them.
  4. Each brick has a specific point value, and you'll earn points for breaking them.
  5. The game ends when all bricks are broken or the ball hits the bottom of the screen.

Note: This is a very basic implementation, and you can improve it by adding features like smoother animations, sound effects, and more levels.