Brick breaker app

A classic!

Brick Breaker is a popular mobile game where you control a paddle to break bricks on a screen. Here's a brief overview of the game:

Objective: The goal is to break all the bricks on the screen by bouncing a ball with your paddle. The game starts with a single ball, and as you break bricks, new balls will appear to keep the game challenging.


  1. Swipe your finger up or down to move the paddle left or right.
  2. The ball will bounce off the paddle and hit the bricks on the screen.
  3. Break all the bricks on the screen to progress to the next level.
  4. As you progress, the game will introduce new challenges, such as:
    • Faster-moving balls
    • More bricks on the screen
    • Power-ups (e.g., extra balls, increased paddle size)
    • Obstacles (e.g., moving bricks, obstacles that block the ball)


Variations: There are many variations of Brick Breaker available, including:

Platforms: Brick Breaker is available on various platforms, including:

Tips and Tricks:

Overall, Brick Breaker is a fun and challenging game that requires skill and strategy to progress. Give it a try and see how far you can break those bricks!