Brexit latest news now

Here are the latest news updates on Brexit:

Latest Developments:

  1. UK and EU agree on trade deal: The UK and EU have reached a tentative agreement on a trade deal, which will replace the current EU-UK trade agreement when the transition period ends on December 31. The deal includes a zero-tariff and zero-quota arrangement for goods, as well as a framework for services and investment.
  2. Parliamentary approval: The UK Parliament is expected to vote on the trade deal in the coming weeks. The deal still needs to be ratified by the European Parliament, which is expected to vote on it in February.
  3. Northern Ireland protocol: The UK and EU have also agreed on a protocol for Northern Ireland, which will ensure that the region remains part of the EU's single market for goods and will have a say in EU policies.
  4. Fishing rights: The UK and EU have agreed on a deal for fishing rights, which will allow UK fishermen to access EU waters and EU fishermen to access UK waters.
  5. Transition period: The transition period, which was originally set to end on December 31, has been extended until June 30, 2023, to give businesses and individuals more time to prepare for the new trade arrangements.

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