Breitbart news twitter

Breitbart News is a conservative news website that was founded by Andrew Breitbart in 2007. The website is known for its right-wing perspective and has been involved in several controversies over the years.

Here are some of the most popular Twitter accounts associated with Breitbart News:

  1. @BreitbartNews - This is the official Twitter account of Breitbart News, and it has over 2.5 million followers. The account is run by a team of editors and writers who share news stories, opinion pieces, and commentary on a wide range of topics.
  2. @JoelPollak - Joel Pollak is the editor-in-chief of Breitbart News and has been with the website since its founding. He is a well-known conservative commentator and has written for several major publications, including The Wall Street Journal and The New York Times.
  3. @MichelleMalkin - Michelle Malkin is a conservative commentator and writer who has been a regular contributor to Breitbart News. She is known for her strong opinions on a wide range of topics, including politics, culture, and national security.
  4. @DLoesch - Dana Loesch is a conservative commentator and writer who has been a regular contributor to Breitbart News. She is known for her strong opinions on a wide range of topics, including politics, culture, and national security.
  5. @BreitbartSports - This is the official Twitter account of Breitbart Sports, which covers sports news and commentary from a conservative perspective.

Some of the most popular topics covered by Breitbart News on Twitter include:

It's worth noting that Breitbart News has been involved in several controversies over the years, including accusations of spreading misinformation and promoting hate speech. The website has also been criticized for its coverage of certain topics, such as immigration and national security.