Breitbart news texas

Breitbart News is a conservative news and opinion website that was founded by Andrew Breitbart in 2007. The website is known for its right-wing perspective and has been criticized for its sensationalist and provocative reporting style.

Here are some recent news articles from Breitbart News related to Texas:

  1. "Texas Governor Greg Abbott Signs Bill Banning Sanctuary Cities" - This article reports on the signing of a bill by Texas Governor Greg Abbott that prohibits cities and counties in Texas from adopting sanctuary policies, which would prevent local law enforcement from cooperating with federal immigration authorities.
  2. "Texas Sheriff's Deputy Killed in Ambush Attack" - This article reports on the killing of a sheriff's deputy in Texas who was ambushed while on patrol. The article notes that the deputy was a 15-year veteran of the force and was killed while responding to a call about a suspicious person.
  3. "Texas School District Bans 'To Kill a Mockingbird' Due to 'Racial Sensitivity'" - This article reports on the decision by a school district in Texas to ban the classic novel "To Kill a Mockingbird" due to concerns about racial sensitivity. The article notes that the decision was made after a group of parents complained about the book's depiction of racial issues.
  4. "Texas Governor Greg Abbott Signs Bill Allowing Concealed Carry of Firearms Without Permit" - This article reports on the signing of a bill by Texas Governor Greg Abbott that allows residents of the state to carry concealed firearms without a permit. The article notes that the bill was passed in response to concerns about gun rights and public safety.
  5. "Texas City Passes Ordinance Banning 'Panhandling'" - This article reports on the passage of an ordinance by a city in Texas that bans panhandling. The article notes that the ordinance was passed in response to concerns about public safety and the impact of panhandling on local businesses.

These are just a few examples of the types of news articles that can be found on Breitbart News related to Texas. The website is known for its conservative perspective and often reports on issues related to politics, government, and culture in the state.