Breitbart news facebook

Breitbart News is a conservative news website that was founded in 2007 by Andrew Breitbart. The website is known for its right-wing commentary and coverage of politics, culture, and news.

Breitbart News has a significant presence on Facebook, where it has over 3.5 million followers. The website's Facebook page is updated regularly with news articles, opinion pieces, and videos.

Some of the topics that Breitbart News frequently covers on its Facebook page include:

  1. Politics: Breitbart News covers national and international politics, including news about the Trump administration, Congress, and state and local governments.
  2. Immigration: The website is known for its anti-immigration stance and frequently covers news about immigration policy, border security, and the impact of immigration on American society.
  3. Culture: Breitbart News covers a wide range of cultural topics, including entertainment, sports, and social issues.
  4. National security: The website frequently covers news about national security, including terrorism, military affairs, and foreign policy.
  5. Technology: Breitbart News covers news about technology, including artificial intelligence, cybersecurity, and the impact of technology on society.

Breitbart News has been criticized by some for its perceived bias and sensationalism, and has been accused of spreading misinformation and promoting conspiracy theories. However, the website has also been praised by some for its coverage of underreported news stories and its willingness to challenge mainstream media narratives.

Here are some examples of the types of posts that Breitbart News might publish on its Facebook page:

Overall, Breitbart News's Facebook page is a good source of news and opinion pieces for those who are interested in conservative politics and culture. However, it's always a good idea to fact-check information and consider multiple sources before forming an opinion.