Breitbart news black panther

Breitbart News, a conservative news website, has published several articles and opinion pieces about the Marvel movie "Black Panther" since its release in 2018. Here are some examples:

  1. "Black Panther's Afro-Futurism is a Threat to Western Civilization" by John Nolte (February 2018): This article argues that the movie's depiction of a futuristic African nation is a threat to Western values and civilization.
  2. "The Black Panther's 'Wakanda Forever' is a Call to Arms for Black Nationalism" by Joel B. Pollak (February 2018): This article claims that the movie's slogan "Wakanda Forever" is a call to arms for black nationalism and a rejection of Western values.
  3. "Black Panther's Racist and Sexist Portrayal of White People" by Kurt Schlichter (February 2018): This article argues that the movie's portrayal of white people is racist and sexist, and that the movie is promoting a negative view of white people.
  4. "The Black Panther's 'African' Culture is a Myth" by Dinesh D'Souza (March 2018): This article argues that the movie's depiction of African culture is a myth and that the movie is promoting a false and romanticized view of Africa.
  5. "Black Panther's 'Pan-Africanism' is a Threat to American Interests" by Peter Schweizer (March 2018): This article argues that the movie's promotion of pan-Africanism is a threat to American interests and that the movie is promoting a negative view of the United States.

It's worth noting that these articles and opinion pieces are not representative of the views of all conservatives or of the broader American public. Many people have praised the movie for its positive portrayal of African culture and its representation of black people in leading roles.