Breeding new generation leaders in nigeria pdf

Here is a PDF on "Breeding New Generation Leaders in Nigeria":

Title: Breeding New Generation Leaders in Nigeria: A Critical Imperative for National Development


Nigeria, a country with a population of over 200 million people, is in dire need of a new generation of leaders who can drive its development and prosperity. The current crop of leaders has failed to deliver on their promises, and the country is facing numerous challenges, including corruption, poverty, and insecurity. This paper argues that breeding new generation leaders is a critical imperative for Nigeria's national development. It highlights the importance of leadership development, the challenges facing the country, and the role that new generation leaders can play in addressing these challenges.


Nigeria is a country with immense potential, but it is facing numerous challenges that are hindering its development. The country is plagued by corruption, poverty, and insecurity, which are affecting its economy, education, and healthcare systems. The current crop of leaders has failed to deliver on their promises, and the country is in dire need of a new generation of leaders who can drive its development and prosperity.

The Importance of Leadership Development:

Leadership development is critical for any country that wants to achieve its development goals. It is the process of identifying, developing, and empowering individuals who have the skills, knowledge, and values necessary to lead and manage organizations effectively. Leadership development is important because it helps to:

Challenges Facing Nigeria:

Nigeria is facing numerous challenges that are hindering its development. Some of the key challenges include:

The Role of New Generation Leaders:

New generation leaders can play a critical role in addressing the challenges facing Nigeria. They can:


Breeding new generation leaders in Nigeria is a critical imperative for the country's national development. The country is facing numerous challenges, including corruption, poverty, and insecurity, and it needs a new generation of leaders who can drive its development and prosperity. Leadership development is important because it helps to build a pool of talented and skilled leaders who can drive the country's development, improve the effectiveness and efficiency of organizations, and promote good governance and accountability.


To breed new generation leaders in Nigeria, the following recommendations are made:


Note: This is a sample PDF and may not be a real document.