Breastfeeding while travelling for new mum wikihow

Here's a comprehensive guide on breastfeeding while traveling for new moms, courtesy of WikiHow:

Before You Leave

  1. Check your airline's breastfeeding policy: Some airlines have specific policies or restrictions on breastfeeding in-flight. Check with your airline before your trip to ensure you're aware of their policies.
  2. Pack a breastfeeding-friendly outfit: Choose clothing that allows for easy access to your breast and baby, such as a nursing top or a scarf that can be used as a cover.
  3. Bring a breast pump and storage bags: If you plan to express milk while traveling, bring a portable breast pump and storage bags to collect and store your milk.
  4. Research breastfeeding-friendly destinations: If you're traveling to a new country, research the local laws and cultural attitudes towards breastfeeding. Some countries may have more relaxed attitudes towards public breastfeeding than others.

During Your Trip

  1. Breastfeed in public: Don't be afraid to breastfeed in public. It's a natural and normal part of parenting, and you have the right to do so wherever you are.
  2. Use a scarf or blanket as a cover: If you're self-conscious about breastfeeding in public, use a scarf or blanket to cover your breast and baby.
  3. Take advantage of breastfeeding-friendly facilities: Many airports, train stations, and public restrooms have breastfeeding-friendly facilities, such as private lactation rooms or nursing areas.
  4. Express milk if needed: If you're having trouble latching or need to relieve engorgement, express milk using a breast pump or hand expression.
  5. Keep your milk storage bags handy: If you're expressing milk, keep your storage bags handy and label them with the date and time of expression.

Tips for Traveling with a Breast Pump

  1. Choose a portable breast pump: Look for a breast pump that is lightweight, compact, and easy to use on-the-go.
  2. Pack extra batteries and accessories: Bring extra batteries, tubing, and other accessories in case you need them during your trip.
  3. Check with your airline about breast pump policies: Some airlines may have specific policies or restrictions on carrying breast pumps in your carry-on luggage.
  4. Consider shipping your breast milk: If you're traveling to a destination with strict customs regulations or concerns about shipping breast milk, consider shipping your milk to your destination instead of carrying it with you.

Additional Tips for New Moms

  1. Don't stress about breastfeeding in public: Remember that breastfeeding is a natural and normal part of parenting. Don't stress about what others think – focus on feeding your baby and enjoying your trip.
  2. Take breaks and prioritize self-care: Traveling can be exhausting, especially for new moms. Take breaks, prioritize self-care, and don't be afraid to ask for help when you need it.
  3. Stay hydrated and comfortable: Bring a refillable water bottle and comfortable clothing to help you stay hydrated and comfortable during your trip.

By following these tips, you can enjoy a stress-free and enjoyable trip with your baby, even if you're breastfeeding. Happy travels!