Breaking world news reuters

Here are some of the latest breaking world news stories from Reuters:

Top Stories

  1. Ukraine says Russia launches new wave of attacks: Ukraine's military said on Thursday that Russia had launched a new wave of attacks on several fronts, including the eastern city of Donetsk, as the conflict between the two countries entered its 10th year. (Reuters)
  2. US and China agree to phase one trade deal: The United States and China have agreed to a phase one trade deal, the White House said on Thursday, with the two countries set to roll back some tariffs and increase purchases of each other's goods. (Reuters)
  3. Iran's Rouhani says US sanctions have failed: Iranian President Hassan Rouhani said on Thursday that US sanctions had failed to achieve their goals and that Iran would continue to resist pressure from the West. (Reuters)

Regional News

  1. India's Modi says Kashmir situation 'normalizing': Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi said on Thursday that the situation in Kashmir, which has been under a strict lockdown since August, was "normalizing" and that the government was working to restore peace in the region. (Reuters)
  2. Turkey's Erdogan says US sanctions will not affect economy: Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan said on Thursday that US sanctions imposed on his country would not affect its economy, and that Turkey would continue to pursue its own economic policies. (Reuters)
  3. South Africa's Ramaphosa says land reform on track: South African President Cyril Ramaphosa said on Thursday that his government's land reform program was on track, despite concerns from some investors that it could lead to expropriation of white-owned farms. (Reuters)

Business News

  1. Global stocks rise as US-China trade deal nears: Global stock markets rose on Thursday as investors welcomed news that the United States and China were close to agreeing a phase one trade deal. (Reuters)
  2. Oil prices fall as US-China trade deal nears: Oil prices fell on Thursday as investors bet that a US-China trade deal would lead to increased demand for crude. (Reuters)
  3. Amazon to create 10,000 new jobs in UK: Amazon said on Thursday that it would create 10,000 new jobs in the UK over the next three years, as it expands its operations in the country. (Reuters)

Sports News

  1. Tiger Woods wins Masters, ends 11-year drought: Tiger Woods won the Masters golf tournament on Sunday, ending an 11-year drought without a major victory. (Reuters)
  2. Manchester City banned from Champions League: Manchester City has been banned from the Champions League for two seasons by UEFA, following an investigation into allegations of financial irregularities. (Reuters)
  3. Rafael Nadal wins ATP Finals, ends year on high: Rafael Nadal won the ATP Finals on Sunday, ending the year on a high note after a disappointing season. (Reuters)

These are just some of the latest breaking world news stories from Reuters. Please note that the news is constantly updating, and this list may not be exhaustive.