Breaking trump ex aide flynn charged lying russia links #comments

Here are some comments on the topic of Michael Flynn, a former aide to President Trump, being charged with lying to the FBI about his contacts with Russia:

Comment 1: "This is a huge blow to the Trump administration. Flynn's lies to the FBI are a clear indication of his involvement in the Russia scandal. It's time for Trump to come clean about his own ties to Russia." - @ConcernedCitizen

Comment 2: "I'm not surprised by this news. Flynn was always a shady character. His connections to Russia were suspicious from the start. It's only a matter of time before more Trump officials are charged." - @LiberalLion

Comment 3: "This is a witch hunt! Flynn was just a scapegoat for the deep state's attempt to take down Trump. The FBI is just trying to discredit him because he's a strong advocate for American interests." - @TrumpSupporter

Comment 4: "I'm glad to see justice being served. Flynn's lies put our national security at risk and undermined the integrity of our government. He needs to face the consequences of his actions." - @PatriotPam

Comment 5: "This is a big deal, but let's not forget that Flynn was just a small fish in a much larger pond. The real question is what did Trump know about Flynn's contacts with Russia and when did he know it?" - @InvestigativeJournalist

Comment 6: "I'm shocked that Flynn was charged with lying to the FBI. I thought he was a respected military officer and a patriot. It's clear that he was in over his head and got caught up in the Trump administration's web of deceit." - @DisappointedDem

Comment 7: "This is a clear indication that the Trump administration is corrupt and that Trump himself is involved in the Russia scandal. It's time for Congress to investigate and hold Trump accountable." - @ProgressivePete

Comment 8: "I'm not sure what to make of this news. Flynn was a key advisor to Trump, but he was also a flawed individual who made mistakes. I hope this doesn't distract from the real issues facing our country." - @ModerateMike