Breaking protesting lawyers shut down abuja over sss refusal to obey court orders

Here's a summary of the situation:

Breaking: Protesting Lawyers Shut Down Abuja Over SSS Refusal to Obey Court Orders

A group of protesting lawyers has shut down the Federal Capital Territory (FCT) in Abuja, Nigeria, over the refusal of the State Security Service (SSS) to obey court orders. The lawyers, who are members of the Nigerian Bar Association (NBA), are demanding that the SSS respect the rule of law and obey court judgments.

The protest, which began early on Wednesday morning, has brought traffic to a standstill in the city, with lawyers and other supporters blocking major roads and highways. The protesters are carrying placards with inscriptions such as "Respect the Rule of Law" and "Obey Court Orders".

The dispute between the lawyers and the SSS began when the SSS refused to release a lawyer, Inibehe Effiong, who was arrested and detained for allegedly criticizing the SSS on social media. Effiong was arrested on June 3 and has been in detention since then.

The NBA has accused the SSS of violating Effiong's fundamental human rights and has demanded his immediate release. The association has also threatened to take further action if the SSS does not comply with the court orders.

The protest has received widespread support from other lawyers and civil society organizations, who are calling for the SSS to respect the rule of law and obey court judgments.

The situation is still developing, and it is unclear when the protest will be resolved. However, the NBA has vowed to continue the protest until the SSS complies with the court orders and releases Effiong.


The SSS is a Nigerian security agency responsible for investigating and preventing threats to national security. However, the agency has been criticized in the past for its alleged human rights abuses and disregard for the rule of law.

The NBA has been a vocal critic of the SSS and has called for reforms to ensure that the agency operates within the bounds of the law. The association has also been involved in several high-profile cases involving the SSS, including the arrest and detention of journalists and activists.


The protest has received widespread support from other lawyers and civil society organizations, who are calling for the SSS to respect the rule of law and obey court judgments.

The NBA has also received support from the Nigerian government, which has called for the SSS to respect the rule of law and obey court judgments.

The SSS has not commented on the situation, but the agency has been accused of violating the rights of several individuals in the past.


The protest by the lawyers is a significant development in the ongoing debate about the role of the SSS in Nigerian society. The situation highlights the need for the agency to respect the rule of law and obey court judgments, and for the government to take steps to ensure that the agency operates within the bounds of the law.

The protest is also a reminder of the importance of the rule of law in Nigerian society, and the need for all institutions to respect and uphold the law.