Breaking nigeria confirms first case of coronavirus in lagos

I think there may be some confusion here. Nigeria did not "break" anything, and it's not possible for a country to "confirm" a case of coronavirus in a specific location.

However, I can provide you with accurate information. Nigeria did confirm its first case of coronavirus (COVID-19) on February 27, 2020. The case was reported in Lagos State, which is the most populous state in Nigeria and the country's economic hub.

According to reports, the patient was a 44-year-old Italian national who had traveled to Nigeria from Milan, Italy. He was admitted to a hospital in Lagos and tested positive for COVID-19. The Nigerian government immediately activated its emergency response plan and began contact tracing to identify and isolate individuals who may have come into contact with the patient.

Since then, Nigeria has reported several cases of COVID-19, and the government has taken various measures to contain the spread of the virus, including restricting travel, closing schools and non-essential businesses, and implementing social distancing measures.

I hope this information is helpful. Let me know if you have any further questions!