Breaking news us china trade war

Here are the latest updates on the US-China trade war:

Latest Developments:

  1. Phase One Trade Deal: The US and China signed a Phase One trade deal on January 15, 2020, which aimed to reduce tensions and increase trade between the two countries. The deal included commitments from China to increase purchases of US goods and services, as well as to strengthen intellectual property protections.
  2. Tariffs: The US and China have imposed tariffs on each other's goods, with the US imposing tariffs on $360 billion worth of Chinese goods and China imposing tariffs on $110 billion worth of US goods.
  3. Escalation: The trade war has escalated in recent months, with the US and China imposing new tariffs on each other's goods and engaging in a series of diplomatic disputes.
  4. Impact: The trade war has had significant economic and financial impacts on both countries, including a decline in global trade, a rise in inflation, and a decline in stock prices.

Recent News:

  1. US-China Trade Talks: The US and China have held several rounds of trade talks in recent months, but have made little progress in resolving their differences.
  2. New Tariffs: The US has imposed new tariffs on $120 billion worth of Chinese goods, including electronics, textiles, and plastics. China has responded by imposing new tariffs on $75 billion worth of US goods, including soybeans, corn, and wheat.
  3. Intellectual Property: The US has accused China of stealing intellectual property and forcing US companies to transfer technology to Chinese partners. China has denied these allegations and has accused the US of unfairly targeting Chinese companies.
  4. Economic Impact: The trade war has had significant economic impacts on both countries, including a decline in global trade, a rise in inflation, and a decline in stock prices.

Key Players:

  1. Donald Trump: The President of the United States, who has been a key player in the trade war and has imposed tariffs on Chinese goods.
  2. Xi Jinping: The President of China, who has been a key player in the trade war and has responded to US tariffs with tariffs of his own.
  3. Robert Lighthizer: The US Trade Representative, who has been a key player in the trade war and has negotiated with Chinese officials.
  4. Liu He: The Chinese Vice Premier, who has been a key player in the trade war and has negotiated with US officials.


  1. March 2018: The US imposes tariffs on $50 billion worth of Chinese goods, citing concerns over intellectual property theft and forced technology transfer.
  2. June 2018: China responds by imposing tariffs on $34 billion worth of US goods.
  3. July 2018: The US imposes tariffs on an additional $200 billion worth of Chinese goods.
  4. September 2018: China responds by imposing tariffs on an additional $60 billion worth of US goods.
  5. January 2020: The US and China sign a Phase One trade deal, which aims to reduce tensions and increase trade between the two countries.


  1. The New York Times
  2. The Wall Street Journal
  3. Bloomberg
  4. Reuters
  5. The Financial Times

Please note that the information provided is accurate as of the date of the last update and may not reflect the current situation.