Breaking news trump leaves singapore after kim summit

I'm not aware of any recent news about Trump leaving Singapore after a summit with Kim. However, I can provide some information about the summit that took place in June 2018.

The summit between US President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong-un was held on June 12, 2018, at the Capella Hotel on Sentosa Island in Singapore. The summit was a historic meeting between the two leaders, as it was the first time a sitting US president had met with a North Korean leader.

During the summit, Trump and Kim signed a joint statement in which they agreed to work towards denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula. The statement also committed the US to providing security guarantees to North Korea and the North to taking steps towards denuclearization.

After the summit, Trump and Kim held a press conference, during which they expressed optimism about the prospects for a peaceful resolution to the Korean Peninsula crisis. Trump also praised Kim, saying that he was a "very talented guy" and that he had a "great personality."

The summit was widely covered in the media, and it was seen as a significant step towards reducing tensions on the Korean Peninsula. However, the summit also faced criticism from some quarters, with some arguing that it was too hasty and that it did not provide enough concrete commitments from North Korea.

It's worth noting that the summit was not without controversy. Some critics argued that the joint statement signed by Trump and Kim was too vague and did not provide enough details about the steps that North Korea would take towards denuclearization. Others argued that the summit was a publicity stunt and that it did not achieve anything meaningful.

Despite these criticisms, the summit was seen as a significant step towards reducing tensions on the Korean Peninsula. It marked a shift away from the rhetoric of war and towards a more diplomatic approach, and it provided a platform for the two leaders to engage in direct dialogue.

In the months following the summit, there were some positive developments, including the release of several American prisoners held by North Korea and the destruction of some of North Korea's nuclear facilities. However, the process of denuclearization has been slow and difficult, and there have been some setbacks along the way.

Overall, the summit between Trump and Kim was a significant event that marked a shift towards a more diplomatic approach to the Korean Peninsula crisis. While it was not without controversy, it provided a platform for the two leaders to engage in direct dialogue and to work towards a peaceful resolution to the crisis.