Breaking news template free

Here is a free breaking news template you can use:

Breaking News Template

Headline: [Insert eye-catching headline that grabs attention]

Date: [Insert date and time of the breaking news]

Location: [Insert location of the breaking news]

Summary: [Insert brief summary of the breaking news in 1-2 sentences]


Photos/Videos: [Insert relevant photos or videos to illustrate the breaking news]



What's Next:

Call to Action:

Social Media Links:

Related Stories:

Breaking News Alert:

Here's an example of what the template might look like with some sample content:

Breaking News:

Headline: Massive Fire Engulfs Downtown Building

Date: March 12, 2023, 10:00 AM EST

Location: 123 Main St, Downtown Area

Summary: A massive fire has broken out at a downtown building, causing widespread damage and evacuations.





What's Next:

Call to Action:

Social Media Links:

Related Stories:

Breaking News Alert:

Remember to customize the template to fit your specific needs and style. Good luck with your breaking news coverage!