Breaking news photo template

Here is a basic template for a breaking news photo:

Breaking News Photo Template


[Insert high-quality image related to the breaking news story]



[Insert concise and attention-grabbing headline that summarizes the story]


[Insert brief and informative caption that provides context and details about the image]

Story Summary

[Insert a short summary of the story, including the most important details and any relevant background information]

Additional Information

[Insert any additional information that may be relevant to the story, such as quotes, statistics, or expert opinions]

Call to Action

[Insert a call to action, such as "Stay tuned for further updates" or "Follow us for live coverage"]

Social Media Links

[Insert links to social media platforms where readers can follow the story and get updates]

Contact Information

[Insert contact information for the news organization, including phone number, email address, and physical address]

Date and Time

[Insert the date and time the photo was taken and published]


[Insert credit information for the photographer, including name, title, and any relevant affiliations]

Here is an example of what the template might look like:

Breaking News Photo Template


[Image of a fire truck arriving at the scene of a fire]


BREAKING: Massive Fire Engulfs Downtown Building


A massive fire has broken out at a downtown building, with multiple fire trucks and emergency responders on the scene. The cause of the fire is currently unknown.

Story Summary

A massive fire has broken out at a downtown building, with multiple fire trucks and emergency responders on the scene. The cause of the fire is currently unknown. The building is currently evacuated, and nearby businesses have been closed.

Additional Information

"We are working to determine the cause of the fire and to ensure the safety of everyone in the area," said Fire Chief John Smith.

Call to Action

Stay tuned for further updates on this developing story.

Social Media Links

Follow us on Twitter for live updates: @NewsOrganization Like us on Facebook for breaking news: @NewsOrganization

Contact Information

Phone: 555-555-5555 Email: [email protected] Physical Address: 123 Main St, Anytown, USA

Date and Time

Photo taken: 10:00 AM, March 12, 2023 Published: 10:30 AM, March 12, 2023


Photographer: Jane Doe, Staff Photographer, News Organization