Breaking news on sylvester stallone

I'm happy to provide you with some breaking news on Sylvester Stallone!


Sylvester Stallone, the iconic actor and filmmaker behind the Rocky and Rambo franchises, has just announced that he will be returning to the big screen in a new film!

According to sources close to the production, Stallone will be starring in a biographical drama about the life of legendary boxer, Roberto Durán. The film, titled "Durán," is set to begin production later this year and is expected to hit theaters in 2024.

Stallone, who is known for his intense preparation and dedication to his roles, has reportedly been training for months to get into shape for the film. He will be playing the lead role of Durán, who was a formidable boxer in the 1970s and 1980s.

This news comes as a surprise to many fans, as Stallone has been relatively quiet in recent years. However, it's clear that he's still got the passion and drive to take on new and exciting projects.

Stay tuned for more updates on this developing story!


Sylvester Stallone has just taken to social media to confirm the news, saying: "I'm thrilled to announce that I'll be playing the legendary Roberto Durán in an upcoming biopic! This is a role that I've been preparing for months, and I'm excited to bring this incredible story to life. Stay tuned for more updates!"

Fans are already going wild on social media, with many expressing their excitement to see Stallone take on this new role. What do you think about this news? Are you looking forward to seeing Stallone in this new film?