Breaking news on nlc new salary and strike

Here are some updates on the recent news about the Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC) and the new salary structure:

Breaking News: NLC Suspends Strike as FG Agrees to Implement New Salary Structure

The Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC) has suspended its nationwide strike, which began on September 28, 2022, after the Federal Government agreed to implement the new salary structure for workers.

According to reports, the FG has agreed to increase the minimum wage from N30,000 to N40,000 per month, and also to implement the new salary structure for workers in the public and private sectors.

The NLC had embarked on the strike to demand better working conditions, improved salaries, and the implementation of the new salary structure. The strike had caused disruptions to economic activities across the country, with many businesses and institutions affected.

Key Highlights of the New Salary Structure:

  1. Minimum wage increased from N30,000 to N40,000 per month
  2. Salary structure to be implemented for workers in the public and private sectors
  3. Increase in salaries for workers in the public sector, including federal, state, and local government workers
  4. Increase in salaries for workers in the private sector, including those in the banking, oil, and gas industries
  5. Implementation of the new salary structure to be done in phases, with the first phase expected to be completed within the next six months.

Reactions to the News:

The news of the suspension of the strike and the agreement to implement the new salary structure has been met with mixed reactions from Nigerians.

Some have welcomed the news, saying it is a step in the right direction and will help to improve the living standards of workers. Others have expressed skepticism, saying that the implementation of the new salary structure may be delayed or watered down.

What's Next:

The NLC has called on its members to return to work, and the FG has assured that the implementation of the new salary structure will be done in phases. The next step will be for the FG to set up a committee to implement the new salary structure, and for the NLC to monitor the process to ensure that it is done in accordance with the agreement.

I hope this update is helpful!