Breaking news on nigerian peace corps bill

Here are some recent updates on the Nigerian Peace Corps Bill:

Breaking News: Nigerian Senate Passes Peace Corps Bill

On June 15, 2022, the Nigerian Senate passed the Nigerian Peace Corps Bill, which aims to establish a national peace corps agency to promote peace, unity, and development in the country.

Key Provisions of the Bill

The bill, which was sponsored by Senator Aliyu Sabi Abdullahi (APC, Niger North), seeks to establish the Nigerian Peace Corps Agency as a federal government agency responsible for promoting peace, unity, and development in the country.

Some key provisions of the bill include:

  1. Establishment of the Nigerian Peace Corps Agency: The bill seeks to establish the Nigerian Peace Corps Agency as a federal government agency responsible for promoting peace, unity, and development in the country.
  2. Powers and Functions: The agency will have the power to promote peace, unity, and development in the country, as well as to provide humanitarian assistance to victims of conflict and natural disasters.
  3. Membership: The agency will have a membership of not more than 10,000 personnel, who will be recruited from across the country.
  4. Funding: The agency will be funded through a combination of federal government allocations, grants, and donations from international organizations and individuals.

Reactions to the Passage of the Bill

The passage of the bill has been welcomed by many Nigerians, who see it as a step towards promoting peace and unity in the country. Some have also praised the bill for its potential to create jobs and promote national development.

However, some critics have raised concerns about the bill's potential impact on the country's security and the potential for abuse of power by the agency's personnel.

Next Steps

The bill will now be sent to the House of Representatives for concurrence, after which it will be sent to President Muhammadu Buhari for assent.


The Nigerian Peace Corps Bill was first introduced in 2016, but it has been stalled in the National Assembly due to disagreements over its provisions. The bill was reintroduced in 2020 and has since been passed by the Senate.

I hope this information is helpful!