Breaking news on donald trump impeachment

I'm not aware of any breaking news on Donald Trump's impeachment. However, I can provide you with some general information on the topic.

Donald Trump, the 45th President of the United States, was impeached by the House of Representatives on December 18, 2019, on charges of abuse of power and obstruction of Congress. The impeachment was the result of a months-long investigation into Trump's dealings with Ukraine, which led to allegations that he had pressured the Ukrainian government to investigate his political rival, Joe Biden, and his son Hunter Biden, in exchange for military aid and a White House meeting.

The impeachment vote was largely along party lines, with 230 Democrats voting in favor of the articles of impeachment and 197 Republicans voting against. Two Republicans, Representatives Justin Amash of Michigan and Fred Upton of Michigan, voted in favor of the articles of impeachment.

The impeachment trial in the Senate began on January 16, 2020, and lasted for several weeks. On February 5, 2020, the Senate voted to acquit Trump on both charges, with 52 Republicans voting to acquit and 48 Democrats voting to convict. The acquittal meant that Trump was not removed from office.

It's worth noting that while Trump was impeached and acquitted, the impeachment process was not without controversy. Many Democrats and some Republicans argued that the impeachment was necessary to hold Trump accountable for his actions, while others argued that it was a partisan witch hunt.