Breaking news on asuu strike

Here are some recent updates on the ASUU strike:

Latest Update (March 14, 2023)

The Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU) has extended its ongoing strike by four weeks, citing the federal government's failure to meet its demands. The strike, which began on February 14, 2023, has affected over 1.5 million students across the country.


The ASUU strike was called off in December 2020 after a nine-month strike, but the union resumed the strike in February 2023 due to the government's failure to implement the 2009 FGN-ASUU agreement and the 2020 Memorandum of Action (MOA).


ASUU is demanding:

  1. Renegotiation of the 2009 FGN-ASUU agreement to address issues such as funding, infrastructure, and staff welfare.
  2. Implementation of the 2020 MOA, which includes the payment of outstanding salaries and allowances.
  3. Improved funding for universities, including the release of the 2022 budgetary allocation.
  4. Establishment of a visitation panel to investigate the state of universities.
  5. Implementation of the University Transparency and Accountability Solution (UTAS) to replace the Integrated Payroll and Personnel Information System (IPPIS).

Government Response

The federal government has been accused of not taking the strike seriously, with some officials saying that the strike is unnecessary and that the government is willing to negotiate with ASUU. However, ASUU has rejected the government's offer to negotiate, saying that it is not willing to engage in a "tokenistic" negotiation.


The strike has had a significant impact on the education sector, with many students unable to attend classes or complete their academic programs. The strike has also affected the economy, with some businesses and industries reporting losses due to the disruption caused by the strike.

Next Steps

The ASUU strike is expected to continue until the government meets the union's demands. The union has vowed to continue the strike until its demands are met, and has called on students and Nigerians to support its cause.

Stay Tuned

I will continue to provide updates on the ASUU strike as more information becomes available.