Breaking news nigeria health sector strike

BREAKING NEWS: Nigeria's Health Sector on the Brink of Collapse as Strike Enters 7th Day

Nigeria's health sector is on the verge of collapse as the strike by the Joint Health Sector Unions (JOHESU) enters its 7th day. The strike, which began on April 17, has brought healthcare services to a grinding halt, leaving millions of Nigerians without access to medical care.

Key Developments:

  1. No End in Sight: Despite several meetings between the unions and the Federal Government, there is no indication that the strike will be called off anytime soon.
  2. Healthcare Services Paralyzed: Hospitals across the country are shut down, and medical personnel are refusing to report to work, leaving patients in dire need of medical attention.
  3. Fear of Outbreaks: The strike has raised concerns about the potential for outbreaks of preventable diseases, such as malaria, tuberculosis, and cholera, which could have devastating consequences for the country.
  4. Economic Impact: The strike is also expected to have a significant impact on the economy, as it will lead to a loss of productivity and revenue for the healthcare sector.
  5. International Concerns: The strike has raised concerns among international health organizations, including the World Health Organization (WHO), which has called for an immediate resolution to the crisis.


The strike was called by JOHESU, which represents over 80,000 health workers in Nigeria, to demand better working conditions, improved salaries, and the implementation of the 2017 Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the unions and the Federal Government.

Government Response:

The Federal Government has offered to meet some of the demands, but the unions have rejected the offer, saying it does not address the core issues. The government has also threatened to take disciplinary action against striking workers, but the unions have vowed to continue the strike until their demands are met.

What's Next:

The situation is likely to continue to deteriorate unless a resolution is reached soon. The government and the unions will need to engage in meaningful negotiations to address the core issues and find a solution to the crisis.

Stay Tuned for Updates:

We will continue to provide updates on this developing story as more information becomes available.