Breaking news nigeria bans open grazing


Nigeria Bans Open Grazing: A Major Step Towards Addressing Herdsmen-Farmers Conflicts

In a significant move aimed at addressing the long-standing conflicts between herdsmen and farmers in Nigeria, the Federal Government has banned open grazing across the country.

According to a statement issued by the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development, Sabo Nanono, the ban is part of the government's efforts to promote ranching and modernize the livestock industry in Nigeria.

The ban, which takes effect immediately, prohibits the grazing of cattle and other livestock in open spaces, forests, and other areas not designated for grazing. Instead, herdsmen are expected to adopt ranching practices, which involve the use of designated grazing areas and the provision of adequate feed and water for their animals.

The decision to ban open grazing is seen as a major step towards addressing the conflicts between herdsmen and farmers, which have led to the loss of lives and property in many parts of the country. The conflicts have been fueled by competition for land and resources, as well as cultural and religious differences between the two groups.

The ban is also expected to promote the development of the livestock industry in Nigeria, which is a significant contributor to the country's economy. The government hopes that the adoption of ranching practices will lead to increased productivity, improved animal welfare, and the creation of jobs and income opportunities for rural communities.

The ban has been welcomed by many Nigerians, who see it as a necessary step towards addressing the conflicts and promoting peace and stability in the country. However, some herdsmen have expressed concerns about the impact of the ban on their livelihoods and have called for the government to provide alternative grazing areas and support for their transition to ranching.

The ban on open grazing is a significant development in Nigeria's efforts to address the conflicts between herdsmen and farmers. It remains to be seen how effective the ban will be in achieving its goals, but it is clear that it is a major step towards promoting peace and stability in the country.