Breaking news intro template free download

Here's a free download template for a breaking news intro:

Breaking News Intro Template (Free Download)

[Intro Music plays]

[Announcer's voice]

"Breaking News, [Current Time], [Location]. We interrupt your regular programming to bring you this urgent update. A [briefly describe the breaking news story] has just unfolded, and we're going live to our correspondent in the field to bring you the latest developments."

[Cut to correspondent in the field]

[Correspondent's voice]

"Thank you, [Announcer's name]. I'm reporting live from [location] where [briefly describe the scene]. Our sources are telling us that [provide more details about the breaking news story]. We're working to get more information and will bring you updates as they become available."

[Cut back to announcer]

[Announcer's voice]

"We'll continue to bring you updates on this developing story throughout the day. In the meantime, we urge everyone to stay safe and follow all instructions from local authorities. We'll be back with more news after this break."

[Closing music plays]

[End screen with breaking news logo and tagline]

[Optional: Additional elements]

[Tips for using the template]

[Free download link]

You can download the breaking news intro template as a Microsoft Word document or a Google Doc by clicking on the link below:

[Insert link]


This template is for personal use only and may not be used for commercial purposes without permission.