Breaking news in yenagoa

I'm happy to help! However, I need to clarify that I'm a large language model, I don't have real-time access to breaking news or specific news sources. But I can try to provide you with some general information or updates on what's happening in Yenagoa, the capital city of Bayelsa State in Nigeria.

If you're looking for breaking news in Yenagoa, I recommend checking reputable news sources such as:

  1. Bayelsa State Government's official website or social media channels
  2. Nigerian news websites and online publications, such as Vanguard, Punch, or ThisDay
  3. Local newspapers and radio stations in Yenagoa

Some recent news updates from Yenagoa include:

Please note that these are just general updates and may not be the most recent or accurate information. For the latest and most accurate information, I recommend checking with reputable news sources or official government channels.