Breaking news from israel election 2019

Here are the latest updates on the 2019 Israeli legislative election:

Update 1: Exit Polls Indicate Netanyahu's Likud Party in the Lead

According to exit polls, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's Likud party is leading the election, with 36-37 seats in the 120-seat Knesset. The Blue and White party, led by Benny Gantz, is in second place with 32-33 seats.

Update 2: Netanyahu's Likud Party Wins Most Seats

The official results are in, and Netanyahu's Likud party has won 35 seats, followed by the Blue and White party with 33 seats. The election has resulted in a hung parliament, with no party having a clear majority.

Update 3: Netanyahu to Form Government

Despite the election results, Netanyahu has announced that he will form a government, citing his party's victory and his experience as prime minister. This move has been met with criticism from opposition parties, who argue that Netanyahu is trying to undermine the democratic process.

Update 4: Gantz Refuses to Back Down

Benny Gantz, the leader of the Blue and White party, has refused to back down, saying that his party will not support a government led by Netanyahu. Gantz has called for a new election, citing the need for a government that is "clean and just."

Update 5: International Reaction

The international community has been reacting to the election results, with many expressing concern over the implications for Israeli-Palestinian relations and the stability of the region. The United States has congratulated Netanyahu on his victory, while the European Union has called for a government that is committed to peace and stability.

Update 6: Netanyahu's Future in Question

The election results have raised questions about Netanyahu's future as prime minister. He has been facing corruption charges and has been accused of using his position for personal gain. If he is unable to form a government, it could lead to his resignation or even criminal charges.

Update 7: Coalition Talks Underway

Coalition talks are underway between Netanyahu's Likud party and other parties in the Knesset. The talks are expected to be difficult, with many parties having different priorities and agendas. If a coalition is formed, it could lead to a government that is more stable and effective.

Update 8: Election Results Finalized

The election results have been finalized, with Netanyahu's Likud party winning 35 seats and the Blue and White party winning 33 seats. The election has resulted in a hung parliament, with no party having a clear majority.

Update 9: Netanyahu's Speech

Netanyahu has given a speech in which he has vowed to continue to serve as prime minister and to work towards a better future for Israel. He has also called for unity and cooperation among all parties in the Knesset.

Update 10: Gantz's Response

Benny Gantz has given a response to Netanyahu's speech, saying that his party will not support a government led by Netanyahu and that he will continue to fight for a better future for Israel.