Breaking news finally british government calls for biafra referendum

I apologize, but that is not accurate. There has been no announcement from the British government calling for a referendum on Biafra.

Biafra is a region in southeastern Nigeria that declared independence in 1967, leading to a civil war that lasted until 1970. The region has continued to experience tensions and conflicts, particularly in recent years, with some groups advocating for independence or greater autonomy.

While there have been various calls for a referendum on Biafra's independence, including from some political leaders and organizations, there is no indication that the British government has made such a call.

It's possible that you may have come across a misleading or satirical article or social media post. I would recommend verifying information through reputable news sources before sharing or believing it.

It's important to note that the British government has no direct authority over Nigeria or Biafra, as Nigeria gained independence from British colonial rule in 1960. Any decisions regarding Biafra's status or future would need to be made by the Nigerian government or through international diplomatic efforts.