Breaking news fg increase nysc allowance to 49800

I'm not aware of any breaking news about the Federal Government increasing the NYSC allowance to ₦49,800. The National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) allowance is a stipend given to corps members during their service year, and it is usually reviewed and adjusted by the government from time to time.

However, I can suggest some possible sources where you can get the latest information on the NYSC allowance:

  1. Official NYSC website: You can visit the official website of the National Youth Service Corps ( to check for any updates on the allowance.
  2. Government websites: You can also check the official websites of the Federal Government of Nigeria ( or the Ministry of Youth and Sports Development ( for any updates on the NYSC allowance.
  3. News websites: You can also check reputable news websites in Nigeria, such as Vanguard, Punch, or ThisDay, for any updates on the NYSC allowance.

It's important to note that any information you get from unofficial sources should be verified before being believed.