Breaking news federal government suspends ruga settlement scheme

I'm not aware of any recent news about the Federal Government of Nigeria suspending the Ruga settlement scheme. However, I can provide some background information on the scheme and its controversy.

The Ruga settlement scheme is a federal government initiative aimed at establishing cattle settlements across Nigeria to improve the lives of Fulani herdsmen and reduce conflicts between them and other farmers. The scheme was launched in 2019 and was met with widespread criticism and protests from various groups, including farmers, environmentalists, and human rights organizations.

The critics of the scheme argued that it was a ploy by the government to favor the Fulani ethnic group and promote their interests at the expense of other ethnic groups. They also expressed concerns about the environmental impact of the settlements, as well as the potential for violence and displacement of local communities.

In response to the backlash, the government has been under pressure to suspend or modify the scheme. However, I'm not aware of any official announcement or confirmation from the government about suspending the scheme.

It's possible that you may have come across a misleading or outdated report about the suspension of the Ruga settlement scheme. I would recommend verifying the information through reputable news sources or official government channels before accepting it as true.