Breaking news federal government shutdown



Update: The federal government has officially shut down as of 12:01 AM ET on Saturday, October 12, 2022.

What is a government shutdown?

A government shutdown occurs when Congress fails to pass a spending bill or a continuing resolution (CR) to fund government operations. This means that non-essential government services and agencies will be suspended, and many federal employees will be furloughed or forced to work without pay.

Why did the government shut down?

The shutdown was triggered by a dispute between Democrats and Republicans over funding for a border wall and other immigration issues. Democrats refused to approve a spending bill that included funding for the wall, while Republicans refused to pass a bill without it.

What services will be affected?

Many government services will be impacted by the shutdown, including:

  1. National Parks: Most national parks will be closed, although some may remain open with limited services.
  2. Federal Offices: Many federal offices, including those that provide services such as Social Security, will be closed.
  3. Federal Courts: Federal courts will continue to operate, but with reduced staff.
  4. Food Assistance: The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) and other food assistance programs may be affected.
  5. Federal Contractors: Many federal contractors will not receive paychecks during the shutdown.

What services will remain open?

Some essential services will continue to operate, including:

  1. Emergency Services: Emergency services, such as law enforcement, firefighting, and ambulance services, will continue to operate.
  2. Healthcare: Many healthcare services, including hospitals and clinics, will continue to operate.
  3. Air Traffic Control: Air traffic control services will continue to operate.
  4. Military: Military personnel will continue to receive pay and benefits.

What about federal employees?

Federal employees who are deemed essential will continue to work without pay during the shutdown. Others will be furloughed, which means they will not receive paychecks until the shutdown is resolved.

How long will the shutdown last?

It's difficult to predict how long the shutdown will last. It could be resolved quickly if Congress reaches a compromise, or it could drag on for weeks or even months.

Stay informed:

Stay up-to-date with the latest news and developments on the government shutdown by following reputable news sources and government agencies.