Breaking news blogger widget

A Breaking News Blogger widget! Here's a step-by-step guide to help you create one:

What is a Breaking News Blogger widget? A Breaking News Blogger widget is a customizable widget that displays the latest news headlines and summaries from various sources on your Blogger blog. It's a great way to keep your readers informed about current events and news.


  1. A Blogger blog
  2. A Google Feedburner account (optional but recommended)
  3. A news aggregator service (e.g., Google News, NewsAPI, or Feedster)

Step-by-Step Instructions:

Method 1: Using Google Feedburner

  1. Create a Feedburner account: Go to and sign up for an account. Verify your email address.
  2. Create a feed: Click on "Create a new feed" and enter the URL of the news aggregator service you want to use (e.g., Google News).
  3. Customize your feed: Configure your feed settings, such as the number of items to display, feed title, and description.
  4. Get your feed URL: Note down the feed URL, which will be in the format
  5. Add the widget to your Blogger blog: Go to your Blogger dashboard, click on "Layout" > "Add a gadget" > "HTML/JavaScript" and paste the following code:
    <script src=""></script>

    Replace your-feed-url with the actual feed URL you noted down in step 3.

Method 2: Using a News Aggregator Service

  1. Choose a news aggregator service: Select a service like NewsAPI, Feedster, or Google News.
  2. Get an API key: Sign up for an account with the chosen service and obtain an API key.
  3. Create a widget: Use the service's API documentation to create a widget that displays the latest news headlines and summaries.
  4. Add the widget to your Blogger blog: Go to your Blogger dashboard, click on "Layout" > "Add a gadget" > "HTML/JavaScript" and paste the widget code.

Tips and Variations:

By following these steps, you'll have a Breaking News Blogger widget up and running on your blog, keeping your readers informed about the latest news and events.