Breaking news asuu call off strike

I'm happy to inform you that there is no breaking news about ASUU calling off strike. However, I can provide you with some context and information about the ongoing strike by the Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU) in Nigeria.

ASUU has been on strike since February 14, 2022, demanding better working conditions, improved funding for public universities, and the implementation of the 2009 agreement between the union and the federal government. The strike has affected millions of students across the country, with many universities remaining closed.

While there have been several attempts at negotiations between ASUU and the federal government, a resolution has yet to be reached. The union has been adamant that the government must meet its demands before calling off the strike.

As of now, there is no official announcement from ASUU or the federal government about the strike being called off. I'll be happy to provide updates as more information becomes available.