Breaking news alerts on whatsapp

Here are some ways to set up breaking news alerts on WhatsApp:

Method 1: Using WhatsApp's Built-in News Feature

  1. Open WhatsApp and go to the "Settings" menu (represented by three vertical dots).
  2. Tap on "Notifications" and then toggle on "News" under the "Alerts" section.
  3. Choose the news sources you want to receive alerts from (e.g., BBC News, CNN, etc.).
  4. Set your preferred notification frequency (e.g., every 15 minutes, every hour, etc.).

Method 2: Using a Third-Party News App

  1. Download a third-party news app that integrates with WhatsApp, such as:
    • News Break
    • Newsify
    • Inshorts
    • News360
  2. Set up the app according to its instructions.
  3. Choose the news sources and topics you want to receive alerts on.
  4. The app will send you breaking news alerts on WhatsApp.

Method 3: Using a WhatsApp Bot

  1. Search for a WhatsApp bot that provides breaking news alerts, such as:
    • @NewsBot (for general news)
    • @BBCNewsBot (for BBC News)
    • @CNNNewsBot (for CNN News)
  2. Send a message to the bot to subscribe to its alerts.
  3. The bot will send you breaking news alerts on WhatsApp.

Method 4: Using a Custom Alert Service

  1. Sign up for a custom alert service that sends breaking news alerts on WhatsApp, such as:
    • SwiftReach
    • AlertMedia
    • Notify
  2. Set up your account and choose the news sources and topics you want to receive alerts on.
  3. The service will send you breaking news alerts on WhatsApp.

Remember to always verify the authenticity of the news sources and alerts you receive on WhatsApp to ensure you're getting accurate and reliable information.