Breaking news about nigeria president health

I'm not aware of any breaking news about the health of the President of Nigeria. As a conversational AI, I don't have access to real-time news or updates. However, I can suggest some reliable sources where you can get the latest information on the President's health:

  1. Official Government Sources: You can check the official website of the Nigerian Government or the Presidency for any updates on the President's health.
  2. Nigerian News Outlets: Reputable Nigerian news outlets such as Vanguard, Punch, ThisDay, and Premium Times often report on the President's health and any related developments.
  3. International News Agencies: Major international news agencies like BBC, Al Jazeera, and Reuters may also carry reports on the President's health, especially if it's a significant development.

Please note that I'm not aware of any specific breaking news about the President's health, and any information I provide would be based on publicly available sources. If you're looking for the latest updates, I recommend checking the above-mentioned sources or reputable news outlets.