Breaking news about jamb 2017

I'm not aware of any breaking news about JAMB 2017, as the Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board (JAMB) 2017 examination has already taken place and the results have been released.

However, I can provide you with some general information about JAMB 2017. The JAMB 2017 examination was held from March 6 to March 18, 2017, and it was the first time that the board used the Computer-Based Test (CBT) format for the examination.

The JAMB 2017 examination was a major improvement over previous years, with many candidates praising the new format and the reduced stress it brought. The examination was also marked by a significant increase in the number of candidates who scored above 200, with many candidates scoring as high as 300 and above.

If you're looking for information about JAMB 2017 results, I can suggest some reliable sources where you can check your results. You can check your JAMB 2017 result on the JAMB website, or you can visit any JAMB office or a designated CBT center to check your result.

It's worth noting that JAMB 2017 results were released in batches, with the first batch being released in May 2017 and the second batch being released in June 2017. If you're still waiting for your JAMB 2017 result, I recommend checking the JAMB website or visiting a JAMB office for more information.

I hope this information is helpful. Let me know if you have any other questions!