Breaking court nullifies kano pdp governorship primary

I think there may be a bit of a language barrier or a misunderstanding here.

To clarify, "breaking court" is not a valid phrase in English, and I'm assuming you meant to say "a court ruling" or "a court judgment".

So, to answer your question:

Yes, it is possible for a court ruling to nullify a political party's primary election, including the Kano PDP governorship primary. In Nigeria, the courts have the power to intervene in political disputes, including disputes related to primary elections.

If a court finds that the primary election was conducted in a manner that violates the law or the party's constitution, it may declare the election null and void. This could happen if there are allegations of fraud, irregularities, or other improprieties that affect the outcome of the election.

In the case of the Kano PDP governorship primary, if a court rules that the election was not conducted in accordance with the law or the party's constitution, it may nullify the election and order a re-run or a fresh election.

It's worth noting that political parties in Nigeria, including the PDP, have a duty to conduct their internal affairs in accordance with the law and their own constitution. If a party fails to do so, the courts may intervene to ensure that the party's internal affairs are conducted in a fair and transparent manner.