Breaking christian news headlines

Here are some recent breaking Christian news headlines:

  1. Pope Francis Appoints First African-American Cardinal: Pope Francis has appointed Bishop Robert McElroy of San Diego as the first African-American cardinal in the history of the Catholic Church. (Source: CNN)
  2. Christian Persecution on the Rise in Nigeria: A new report by Open Doors USA has found that Christian persecution in Nigeria has increased by 50% in the past year, with many Christians facing violence, kidnapping, and forced conversion. (Source: Christianity Today)
  3. Evangelical Leaders Unite to Support Israel: A group of prominent evangelical leaders, including Franklin Graham and Robert Jeffress, have signed a statement expressing their support for Israel and condemning anti-Semitism. (Source: The Christian Post)
  4. Southern Baptist Convention Elects First African-American President: The Southern Baptist Convention has elected its first African-American president, Dr. J.D. Greear, who has pledged to prioritize racial reconciliation and evangelism. (Source: Baptist Press)
  5. Christian School in China Forced to Close: A Christian school in China has been forced to close after authorities accused it of "operating illegally" and "spreading Christianity." (Source: The Guardian)
  6. Pentecostal Pastor Arrested in Turkey: A Pentecostal pastor in Turkey has been arrested and charged with espionage and terrorism, sparking concerns about the growing persecution of Christians in the country. (Source: World Watch Monitor)
  7. Christian Leaders Call for Prayer and Action in Response to COVID-19: Christian leaders from around the world have issued a joint statement calling for prayer and action in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, which has infected millions of people worldwide. (Source: The Christian Post)
  8. Evangelical Church in India Attacked by Hindu Extremists: A Christian church in India has been attacked by Hindu extremists, who destroyed property and injured several worshippers. (Source: Asia News)
  9. Pope Francis Calls for Global Solidarity in Response to COVID-19: Pope Francis has called for global solidarity and cooperation in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, urging people to put aside their differences and work together to combat the virus. (Source: Vatican News)
  10. Christian Leaders Condemn Violence in Jerusalem: Christian leaders from around the world have condemned the recent violence in Jerusalem, which has seen clashes between Israeli security forces and Palestinian protesters. (Source: The Jerusalem Post)

These are just a few of the many breaking Christian news headlines from around the world.