Breaking christian news facebook

Here are some recent news articles from Breaking Christian News (BCN) on their Facebook page:

Latest News

  1. Christian Persecution on the Rise: "The persecution of Christians is on the rise worldwide, with 245 million Christians experiencing high levels of persecution in 2020, according to a new report." (Source: Open Doors USA)
  2. Supreme Court Rules in Favor of Christian Baker: "The Supreme Court has ruled in favor of a Christian baker who refused to make a cake for a same-sex wedding, citing his religious beliefs." (Source: The Hill)
  3. Christian Leaders Call for Prayer Amidst COVID-19 Surge: "As COVID-19 cases surge across the country, Christian leaders are calling for prayer and unity in the face of the pandemic." (Source: Christianity Today)
  4. Churches in China Forced to Close: "The Chinese government has forced hundreds of churches to close in the past year, as part of a crackdown on Christianity in the country." (Source: BBC News)
  5. Christian Athlete Shares Faith with NFL Teammates: "Christian NFL player, Tim Tebow, has been sharing his faith with his teammates and encouraging them to put their trust in God." (Source: ESPN)

Opinion Pieces

  1. Why Christians Should Care About Israel: "As Christians, we have a biblical mandate to support and pray for the nation of Israel. Here's why." (Source: BCN Opinion)
  2. The Importance of Christian Education: "Christian education is crucial for the next generation of believers. Here's why." (Source: BCN Opinion)
  3. The Power of Prayer in a Post-Christian Culture: "As we live in a post-Christian culture, prayer is more important than ever. Here's why." (Source: BCN Opinion)


  1. Christian Persecution: The Hidden Crisis: "This powerful video exposes the hidden crisis of Christian persecution around the world." (Source: BCN Video)
  2. Tim Tebow's Testimony: "NFL player Tim Tebow shares his powerful testimony of faith and perseverance." (Source: BCN Video)
  3. The Gospel in 60 Seconds: "This short video shares the Good News of Jesus Christ in just 60 seconds." (Source: BCN Video)

Please note that these are just a few examples of the types of news articles and opinion pieces that can be found on the Breaking Christian News Facebook page.