Breaking christian news blood moons

You're referring to the "Blood Moons" phenomenon that was widely reported in Christian news outlets, particularly in the context of Christian prophecy and end-times theology. Here's a brief summary:

What are Blood Moons?

A Blood Moon is a lunar eclipse, which occurs when the Earth passes between the sun and the moon, blocking the sun's light from reaching the moon. During a lunar eclipse, the Earth's atmosphere scatters the sun's light, giving the moon a reddish hue, which is why it appears "blood-red" or "blood-colored."

The 2014-2015 Blood Moons

In 2014 and 2015, a series of four consecutive lunar eclipses occurred, which were dubbed the "Blood Moons" by Christian pastor and author John Hagee. Hagee, who wrote a book on the topic called "Four Blood Moons: Something Is About to Change," argued that these eclipses were a sign of significant events to come, particularly in the context of biblical prophecy.

Christian Interpretations

Many Christians, including Hagee, believed that the Blood Moons were a fulfillment of several biblical prophecies, including:

  1. Joel 2:31, which speaks of the sun turning to darkness and the moon to blood.
  2. Acts 2:20, which quotes Joel 2:31 and links it to the second coming of Jesus Christ.
  3. Revelation 6:12, which describes the moon turning to blood as a sign of the end times.

Some Christians believed that the Blood Moons were a sign of:

Criticisms and Controversies

While the Blood Moons phenomenon generated significant attention and interest among Christians, many critics argued that:


The Blood Moons phenomenon was a significant event in Christian news and prophecy circles, but its significance and interpretation remain a matter of debate. While some Christians saw the Blood Moons as a sign of significant events to come, others viewed them as a natural phenomenon with no deeper meaning. Ultimately, the interpretation of the Blood Moons is a matter of personal faith and biblical interpretation.