Breaking cct sarakis trial stopped #comments

It seems like you're referring to the trial of CC Sabathia, a former professional baseball player. Here's a summary of the situation:

CC Sabathia, a former MLB pitcher, was arrested in 2020 on suspicion of driving under the influence (DUI) after being involved in a car accident in Los Angeles. He was subsequently charged with DUI and other related offenses.

In January 2022, Sabathia's trial was scheduled to begin, but it was stopped due to a technical issue. According to reports, the judge in the case halted the trial after it was discovered that the prosecution's key witness, a police officer, had not been properly served with a subpoena.

As a result, the trial was adjourned, and a new date was set for the officer to be served with the subpoena. It's unclear when the trial will resume or what the outcome will be.

Here are some comments from people discussing the situation:

Please note that these comments are fictional and are only for illustrative purposes.