Breaking bayelsa guber poll declared inconclusive

You're referring to the recent gubernatorial election in Bayelsa State, Nigeria!

Yes, the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) has declared the election inconclusive, citing the fact that the margin of victory between the two leading candidates, David Lyon of the All Progressives Congress (APC) and Douye Diri of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), is less than the total number of cancelled votes.

According to reports, Lyon won 352,552 votes, while Diri secured 341,531 votes. However, INEC cancelled votes in 5 polling units, which would have affected the outcome of the election.

INEC has therefore decided to conduct a supplementary election in the affected areas to determine the winner of the governorship election.

This development has sparked controversy, with both parties claiming victory and accusing each other of electoral malpractices. The situation is being closely monitored by the Nigerian government, the international community, and the general public.

What do you think about this development?