Breaker stun opener and stun closer

It sounds like you're referring to a sequence of moves in a martial art or self-defense technique!

A "Breaker" is often used to describe a technique that aims to break or disrupt an opponent's stance, posture, or grip. This could be a strike, kick, or other type of movement designed to create an opening.

A "Stun" is a term used to describe a technique that aims to momentarily incapacitate or disorient an opponent. This could be a strike, kick, or other type of movement designed to cause a brief loss of consciousness or coordination.

An "Opener" is often used to describe a technique that creates an opening or creates space for a subsequent attack. This could be a movement that creates distance, creates an angle, or creates an opportunity for a counterattack.

A "Closer" is often used to describe a technique that aims to close the distance between the practitioner and their opponent, often to set up a subsequent attack or combination. This could be a movement that involves advancing, closing, or bridging the distance between the practitioner and their opponent.

Putting it all together, a "Breaker-Stun-Opener-Closer" sequence might look like this:

  1. Breaker: A strike or kick aimed at breaking the opponent's stance or posture, creating an opening.
  2. Stun: A follow-up strike or kick aimed at momentarily incapacitating the opponent, creating an opportunity for a counterattack.
  3. Opener: A movement that creates space or distance, allowing the practitioner to set up a subsequent attack or combination.
  4. Closer: A movement that closes the distance between the practitioner and their opponent, setting up a subsequent attack or combination.

Of course, the specifics of this sequence would depend on the martial art or self-defense system being used, as well as the individual practitioner's style and preferences.