Breaker for 2.5 air conditioner

A breaker for a 2.5-ton air conditioner!

The breaker size you need will depend on the specific model and brand of your air conditioner, as well as the electrical requirements of your home. However, here are some general guidelines:

To determine the correct breaker size for your air conditioner, you'll need to check the following:

  1. The air conditioner's nameplate: Look for the nameplate on the unit, which should have the electrical specifications listed, including the amperage rating.
  2. The air conditioner's manual: Check the manual that came with the air conditioner for the electrical requirements.
  3. The electrical panel: Check the electrical panel to see what size breakers are already installed. You may need to upgrade to a larger breaker if the existing one is too small.

Some common breaker sizes for air conditioners are:

Remember to always follow the manufacturer's recommendations and local electrical codes when selecting a breaker for your air conditioner. It's also a good idea to consult with a licensed electrician if you're unsure about the correct breaker size or installation.